Thursday, August 09, 2007

You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round Like A Record Baby....

The title of this post is that of an 80's tune sung by the quirky draggish group Dead or Alive that has been stuck in my head all week. It's been driving me up a wall but at least now I realize why that infernal song is plagueing me so. I watched and read the news this week.

The Mediacracy has been spinning it's pro-administration, pro-Iraq quagmire, pro-attack Iran, anti-Democratic party propaganda more furiously than ever these last two weeks. Now of course you'd assume that I'm talking about Fox News but you know the old'd be making an ass out of u (you) and me. The truth is, CNN and MSNBC are taking top B.S. Propaganda Honors this week.

Tuesday evening MSNBC's David Shuster was in charge of fact-checking the Dem's AFL-CIO debate and his so-called 'truth-squadding' made me want to taking a running ninja style flying kick at his package with my pointiest pair of boots. Shuster's "gotcha's" were really a matter of opinion with not an ounce of substance, but of course that did not stop him:

  1. Joe Biden said that Bush has ruined this nation. Shuster tsked-tsked this one as false. Maybe he's waiting for 30 more bridges and 40 more mines to collapse before he's willing to agree with Biden. But maybe Biden meant that Bush has ruined the global reputation of our nation? "Oh p-shaw!" Shuster would say...."after all we still have Poland!"

  2. Hillary said that unlike Bush, she would be a POTUS that cares about the Gulf Coast and Shuster got all up in her hizzy about that one. He said "it's a real stretch" to say that Bush doesn't care about the Gulf Coast. OH REALLY DAVY? He must think the fact that the Bush Administration has refused to accept the foreign aid offered to help the people of the Gulf Coast is for their own good. Shuster must think Bush, WHO WAITED FIVE FREAKING DAYS TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THE DISASTER, was just so emotionally overcome with empathy that it took him that long to collect himself enough to engineer those deeply caring-look-a-like photo-ops for his fellow telepunditutes. And the fact that our Secretary of State preferred shoe-shopping and play-hopping in Manhattan over paying attention to a major disaster in the nation she represents should be in no way construed as Marie Antoinette-like. No sir! The Arabian Horse Judge was doing a Heckuvajob! How silly of Hillary to think the Bush Administration didn't care..tsk..tsk.

Personal note to Shuster: truth squadding is checking facts not opinion-mongering and keep your eye out for a pissed off 5'6" redhead in all black wearing stiletto boots. And do the world a favor and tell Chris Matthews that his medication is wearing off. Where's Nurse Ratchet when you need her?

Not to be out done CNN (Conservative News NOTwork), has made sure to be extra cheerleaderish for the administration's policies lately.

  1. Glenn Beck, who recently was honored with an audience along with several other con-radio/blogger types with the Wire-Tapper In Chief, waxed orgasmic at how Dubya McDraft-dodger really feels the pain of every soldiers death. Yeah, I bet he does. Just as he was "anguished" over all those denied clemency requests as Guv'nor of Texassistan. Beck is the prime example of someone who believes shit he wants to believe because it makes him money - you know, he's Republican. Fun facts about Beck: former drug addict, never finished college, current a-hole and inspiration for the character who played the obnoxious stupid bully in Back to The Future, Biff Tannen. By the way, CNN gives this tool four hours on air every night. I guess if you're a white bigoted loser in 'Merka the Republican Party can help you go places you'd never in a million years get to go!

  2. Check out this Orwellian spot with Frau Youvillbelievus interviewing Pentagon stooge General Odierno misleading 'Merkans to believe that Al Qaeda is the whole problem in Iraq when his agency's own reports say they are responsible less than 10% of the violence. He also pushes the "success" of the surge and lobbies for his own membership in the Just Six More Months Club.

Not to be outdone by the Idiot Box the snail press has been very busy:

  1. The never-ever-liberal yet characterized as liberal by the administration and other Neocon Scribblers cuz it suits their needs NYT Pro-Iraq Invasion & Occupation serial cheerleaders O'Hanlon and Pollack's pro-surge Op-Ed that has gotten them the attention they so desperately crave as pro-war leeches on the carotid artery of America always do. Except, they are as wrong as they've ever been. Who needs Judy 'Cheney's Beyotch' Miller when you got these two but as they say on the infomercials...Wait! There's More!
  2. Michael Gordon, the Neocon's replacment-scrivener that by some miracle of circumstance avoided the negative consequences of being a Darth Cheney stenographer his co-byline colleague Judy Miller endured, is at it again. He helped Jude The UnObscure take the country to war in Iraq and now he's dutifully pushing taking action against Iran as any good Party Member would.

Hillary Clinton's cleavage has been the subject of one too many a written article or on-air news segment. So..are they telling the 'Merkan people that cleavage size is vital to their choice for a leader? What about penis size? Is The Mediacracy telling us that we are supposed to literally pick the best fucker to be our president or to put it less bluntly: 'I'd hit that so why not vote for it?' If that's the case then the GOP is in a world of hurt.

The Republicans have crowned Fred 'Droopy Face Denture Boy' Thompson as their "sex symbol". No wonder Republican women are sooooooo uptight, that and that dreaded inevitable "your husband was caught in the bathroom offering blow-jobs" can't do much for their disposition.

Anyhow, these examples are just a drop in the bucket in the propagandic-cesspool that is The Mediacracy. They frantically try to discredit the blogosphere because they do not want the people to have any other outlet for information except themselves. They want to go to cocktail parties and rub elbows with the Albino Son of Satan. They want to be well-paid semi-famous anchor-babes that just repeat news without having any idea of the context and substance that they cover and most of all they all want to keep their jobs because they have very few prospects in the mainstream media market - thanks to the T-Com Act of 1996. And they focus all their energy on the most superficial irrelevant bullshit on the planet to avoid any sliver of truth or relevance from slipping through.

So, that is exactly why Cleveland Drinking Liberally decided to screen the latest Brave New Films Production "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death". I don't know about you but I am so sick of the spin...right round baby, right round. It doesn't end unless we stop it.

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