Thursday, August 16, 2007

Broadcast Snooze

As many of you who read this blog know, I am an 80's Girl and one of my favorite films is 'Broadcast News'. If you've never seen it, rent it asap. It's a comedic gem, the definition of 'poignant' and sadly, a commentary on how the Traditional News Media began the process of becoming superficial worthless Info-tainment many years ago.

Here's a killer quote from the movie by the 'real news guy' character Aaron Altman referring to the handsome vapid ambitious anchorbot Tom Grunnick:

"What do you think the Devil is going to look like if he's around? Nobody is going to be taken in if he has a long, red, pointy tail. No. I'm semi-serious here. He will look attractive and he will be nice and helpful and he will get a job where he influences a great God-fearing nation and he will never do an evil thing... he will just bit by little bit lower standards where they are important. Just coax along flash over substance... Just a tiny bit. And he will talk about all of us really being salesmen. And he'll get all the great women. "

Hell, this quote not only applies to the Presstitutes, it almost fits Dubya McCondilover & his gang of hoary splotchy corpulent ear-hair snipping cohorts to a tee. In their case I suppose "great women" means right-wing subservient helmut-haired Stepford fembots with hymens thicker than space shuttle skin. But I digress. Boy I really did digress there didn't I? Oops.

'Flash over substance' has been a phrase that frequents my thought-bubbles whenever I watch or read the 'traditional' news-media these days. And what better example of that phrase than CNN's Anderson Cooper for his coverage of the Utah mine collapse. As Arianna Huffington points out, he's ignoring the controversy surrounding the tragedy, treating it soley as a 'human interest' story while also treating the culpable culprit as some saint who is 'standing by the miners' families'. Puhleeeeze! The old rich bastard is following his lawyers' and PR teams' advice and spinning his fat age-spotted ass off blaming phantom fault lines and shedding crocodile tears. Earthquake my ass Bob.

By the way kids, it's utter bullshit for any philly in the Mediacracy stable to sell the line that 'we can't talk about why the mine collapsed while those miners are still missing'. Just like we weren't supposed to add 2+2 on the Minnesota bridge collapse? Silly 'Merkans! Bill Kristol tells us there's nothing wrong with our infrastructure. And you know how he's never wrong.

The Presstitutes cluck dutifully.."it's such bad taste to look for blame while the tragedy unfolds". Jaysus forbid the people actually find out who is responsible or how to prevent more of our loved ones from ending up under tons of rubble. How tacky of you 'Merka! Why aren't you at Walmart cranking up your WalCard balance? Don't you know you embolden the terrrrrisssts when you ask why instead of trying to buy?

If that is indeed the sentiment of the miners' families, then Anderson Cooper shouldn't be treating the mine owner, that has fought against miner unions and safety regulations, like Mother-Effing-Theresa either.

Of course, this latest mine tragedy is just one story the Mediacracy is not covering right. By that I mean, they run defense for every uber-wealthy connected unethical jackass behind every issue by intentionally ignoring the substance of the story. You name an issue: Big Pharma, Big Oil, Charter School Charlatans, Big War (ie Halliburton et al), Big Coal (ie Bob Murray); and the Traditional Media covers it as: Huge Corporation Benefitting Society Say It's Not Their Fault and Some Annoying Liberal Commie Pinko Activists Disagree.

This Sunday Cleveland Drinking Liberally is screening a film about how Traditional Media and Big Politics have been and still are hurting all of us. The film is called "War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Are Spinning Us To Death" narrated by Sean Penn and based on the book of the same title authored by Norm Solomon. While this film examines the issue of war, the same modus operandi can be applied to all of the dire issues facing us today.

Less than 16 months from now we will be choosing two presidential candidates, one president, 34 Senators, and 45 House Reps. If there was a time when we needed to distinguish between flash and substance I cannot think of it.

Hope to see you all there.

Liberally Yours,


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