Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sweet Jesus I Hate Dianne Feinstein

I know, liberals aren't supposed to hate. But, even if it gives Bill O'Falafelly ammunition against us when addressing his audience of ornery octogenarians, everyone of you out there that calls yourself a liberal has hated someone in your lifetime.

Our saving grace is that the object of our derision is most likely a jerk-off in office that makes it hard for the average person to live a decent life and the fact we handle our hate differently. We don't oppress populations based on color, religion, or sexual orientation like Republicans. We don't advocate bombing the crap out of countries full of innocent civilians just as disgusted with their government as we are with ours, to feed pathetic oedipal personal demons.

Liberals argue, debate, form coalitions and advocate themselves out of their anger. We actually try to solve problems through the system...whether the Cons believe that or not. Liberals respect the Constitution and the laws of our land a hell of a lot more than any conservative.

So I am asking the liberals living in California to send Dianne Feinstein packing. To knock her off her lucrative powerful catbird seat. Feinstein represents everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party. She is corrupt. She is a Republican tool. And regardless of the tired line of bullshit flung by any Senator or Representative voting against their party, she is not representing her district.

And please....look at the woman, does she even look like a Democrat to you? The old saying about putting a lump of coal up her ass and getting a diamond in two weeks pretty much sums it up. She looks like Margaret Thatcher's younger sister fer chrissakes! But I digress. Let's take this out of the shallow end of the pool and into the deep end. Let's look at Feinstein's work.

Dianne Feinstein on the Judiciary Committee: Her committee vote to allow anti-gay, anti-worker's rights, anti-civil right's judicial nominee Leslie Southwick to head to the floor gave the nation yet another SOB watching out for 'the straight man' from the bench.

Dianne Feinstein on Telecom Immunity:

Dianne Feinstein on Mukasey:

Dianne Feinstein on FISA:

Dianne Feinstein on The Patriot Act:

Dianne Feinstein on Continuing The Iraq Occupation:

Aw, hell, how about a catch-all link to Dianne Feinstein's overall voting record as a Democrat:

Read the last one if you read any of these links kids, then tell me this woman is a Democrat. I think George Voinovich might even have a better Democrat voting record than she. I was blown away by how many of her votes tacked with the Republican side....alternative energy, civil rights, government accountability etc..etc. Judging by her votes, one cannot even call her a Moderate Democrat, a more appropriate label would be Right Wing Democrat.

And if all the evidence I've presented is not enough to convince California Democrats into doing something about Dianne....Trent Lott, the man who lamented that racist douche-bag Strom Thurmond never became president, gets all choked up and tingly in the loins when talking about his Diry Di. Trent 'I Don't Wanna Share My Drinking Fountain' Lott loves Di to death. And California keeps voting his object of affection to office. WTF?

Cali Dems, I'm Clevelander enough to admit that the West Coast is one of the major trend-setters for the nation though I'm sure that's entirely due to former Clevelanders moving to your lovely state. But come on...if you want us lowly middle-country folk to vote for progressive candidates you gotta set an example for us and give the boot to your representatives that are not. We have Kucinich and you have Feinstein?....I personally think you should be pissed about that. And we both should be pissed we don't have a Bernie Sanders. Ah, to be a Vermonter...sigh.

One final note, just so folks don't think I'm some self-loathing female jealous of strong women like White House Spokes-liar Dana 'Ewwww...Like..You Know...The Little People Gross Me Out!' Perrino, in the coming weeks stay tuned for my post 'Sweet Jesus I Hate Rahm Emmanuel' because Saaawheeweet Jaysus I really do!


Anonymous said...

You won't approve a single comment I write, but you are going to get it anyway.

"We don't oppress populations based on color, religion, or sexual orientation like Republicans do." - Judy

Oppress color? How do you oppress a color?

Oppress religion? It is liberals who don't like religion. It is liberals eradicating religion. You cannot make a communist society with a religious base.

Oppress sexual orientation? How do you oppress someone's orientation?

Does your hate make you 'discuss' in hyperbolic terms without substance?

CTownLibDrinker said...


1.) I'm white but I bet if ask the Jena Six how they are oppressed due to the color of their skin, they could tell you.

2.) Liberals aren't for eradicating religion. They just want to be free to practice as they please as guaranteed by the Constitution. It's nutjobs like yourself shoving your brand of repressive twisted belief down our throats we object to.

3.) Ask Matthew Shepard's mother how someone can by oppressed over their sexual orientation.

4.) Does your hate make YOU question the opinions of others in hyperbolic terms without substance?

5.) That old Commie label is so 1970's Hanky-poo. It's time for you to leave mama's basement now.

Anonymous said...

1) I'm an American. That is all you need to know. The Jena Six were not oppressed, they were insulted maybe. They were guilty of the violence. You are the one demanding skirted justice.

2) No one is shoving any religion down anyone's throat - except Muslim Fascists - which the left has no stomach to fight, but will fight American Christians.

3)It was a robbery and murder. Some people kill the opposite sex. Some kill the same sex. Some kill for no reason. Some kill for stupid reasons. Throwing the sexual orientation into the mix is for political reasons - and frankly quite lame.

4) I have no hate except for those who try to hurt or destroy this country. I'll answer since you refuse to. The hate word for an American was uttered by the CDLB writer - and she claims to hate a fellow Marxist. So Stalin-like.

5) Since the commie-label fits, I don't care what date you pick.

Why don't you leave your 'progressive' or 'liberal' cover and admit your pure anti-capitalist beliefs.

CTownLibDrinker said...

1.) Oh, goody! You're an American! Well that means we have at least one thing in common.

2.) Republican racism is ingrained in the party's psyche as my link to the Newsweek article on Reagan & his Southern Strategy illustrated. So of course you'd consider that a Southern court giving a white kid a slap on the wrist for beating up a black kid then prosecutes a black kid for beating up a white kid for attempted murder, is nothing more than an insult.

3.) I have never once met a Muslim that has tried to convert me or force me to follow their religious law. On the other hand...fundamentalist Christians make used car salesmen look downright tolerable. I'm for religious freedom and keeping it out of government like the Constitution says.

4.) Matthew Shepard was targeted because he was gay. That was established early in the case. I have friends that have been physically attacked and denied employment for being gay. Gay people are singled out for discrimination all of the time.

Hate crimes are separate from random crime in that one demographic of people are put at a special risk. If we tolerate crime with prejudicial motives against a specific demographic we tolerate discrimination.

Lynching that took place in the south was not just random, run of the mill murder for money. It was murder to frighten and silence a specific group of people.

5.) I don't hate this country or want to destroy it. I love the Constitution. I'm absolutely head over heels for the Bill of Rights. It is those documents that make this nation great. No one man is America, no flag is America, no one religion is America.

Hank you need to go back and read those documents. And you need to realize this nation was formed by rebels and dissenters. Not by flag-wavers and loyalists.

6.) Like many liberals, I am a business person. But I also recognize that unfettered laissez faire capitalism produces behemoth monopolies that have an unfair influence on government to the detriment of market choice and the common good. I like capitalism. I don't like oligarchy. There's a difference.

7.) The reason I don't 'answer your questions' is because they are not questions, they are ad hominem attacks couched in question form.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Hank.