Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Know You Are But What Am I?

Yeah...the title of this post is quite juvenile, but every time Dubya McFingerwagger speaks to this nation about other nations it's the first thing that pops into my head. I imagine Vlad The Pooty-Poot in a smoking jacket at the Kremlin in front of a fireplace with spittle flying from his lipless-pale-journalist-snuffing-mouth cursing at his television every time his Bushie-Poo plants his squinty-fat-lying-head onscreen and scolds other countries for not 'doin good at deeemockraahhseee'.

Vlad The Poot chugs high quality vodka the proles can't get from a gorgeous Polish crystal low-ball and smashes the empty vessel into the fire with Bond villain-ish flair and yells: 'You looked into my eyes and saw my soul Meeester Booosch? Vell deed you see me pointing at my ass telling you to kees it? Eh meester big-time cowboy?'

I don't blame The Pootster, as it turns out, 76% of 'Merka feels the same way. But it turns out 'Merka is even more pissed off at Congress than Vlad is at his former brother-in-oligarchy. Gee I wonder why? Oh, yeah...

This week Congress had the planetary-sized titanium balls to....end the Iraq War? Nope. Override the SCHIP veto? Ha! If a family of six can't afford health insurance on 45 G's in 'Merka they ain't shopping at Walmart or the Salvation Army. Did they pass legislation reducing our global warming pollution by 80% in the next 40 odd years? Oh...go stick a corncob in your tailpipe tree-huggers! Congress doesn't deal with that type of piddling nonsense! They tackle reaaally important stuff that means a whole bunch to all of you potential suckers..I mean voters!

Like. Congress decided this week that they need to condemn Turkey for the Armenian Genocide that occurred 65 years ago. Yes, it was horrific and yes Congress should condemn it. That's not really the point. First, Turkey is a lonely secular democracy in the Mid-East and a struggling one at that. Second, now that we've decided to piss them off by condemning them they've decided attacking Iraq is a great idea. Third, the United States has participated and/or ignored plenty of genocide in the mere 231 years it's been gracing the globe's presence. And fourth, we aren't doing jack about Darfur or Burma or any of the other 'Insert Despotic Murderous Regime Serving 'Merkan Interests Here' now are we?

Should Turkey condemn the United States for genocide against the Native Americans we laid waste to in order to build strip malls on every corner? Should Turkey condemn the United States for kidnapping, enslaving and killing millions of Africans? Should Turkey condemn the United States for the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII in the same era they committed their own crime? Should Turkey condemn us for supporting the despotic terrorist-funding Saudi Royal Family? Should Turkey condemn the United States for the near 1 million Iraqi souls lost to our invasion and the civil war we created by invading Iraq? Should Turkey condemn the United States for Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo? If our holier-than-thou Congress is going to condemn genocide maybe they should start off with condemning the genocide they signed off on.

How many of you know that we dropped hundreds of tonnes of depleted uranium bombs on Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia in the 90's? And how many of you know what happened to the cancer rates in those regions in the last decade? Guess what? The U.S. used the same uranium laden bombs in Iraq during the first Gulf War as we are today to the same devastating effect. Genocide isn't always a matter of mass immediate horrific violent death...sometimes it just invades the DNA of populations as well as the soil they grow food on and water they drink - killing them off at a slower rate. Depleted uranium not only kills off populations of indigenous folks by giving them cancer it also prevents them from having children that can live. And if that doesn't get your Pet Goat, our soldiers who served and are serving are not immune to the effect of depleted uranium.

I'll end this post with a personal message to Congress: Before you decide the United State's slate is so damn clean that at this point in our history you feel we have the moral authority to condemn other nations.....take a look at our own past, then take a look at our present, then listen to the 76% and the 89% of us who are so disgusted with who we've become. Then you take the floor of the House and Senate, take actions to correct every single one of our sins and crimes against humanity.....starting with the one we currently are committing in Iraq. When you are finished with that, then go ahead and condemn Turkey for the Armenian Genocide, because at that point you'll have the right to.

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